9 blogger free days. Do you know how many blog posts ran through my head in that amount of time?
Neither do I, but it was a lot.
Some posts you will see in the days to come, most are lost forever in the recesses of this overloaded, loosing brain cells by the
hour, second mommy brain of mine.
Moving on...
Over the past week, the boys have experienced a few firsts. Last Sunday they had their first day of Sunday School. They have attended the nursery in our church, but the nursery has very little structure (which is to be expected when you are dealing with 1 and 2 year
olds) as well as different "teachers" each week.
Last Sunday was official, more structured, same Sunday School teachers every week, sing, color, put a sticker on your name, listen to a Bible story Sunday School.
He wouldn't admit it, but Twin B was a little nervous. Suddenly everything was wrong with the world. He didn't want to drive past preschool. He wanted to go to Grandma's church, not this one. The sun was too bright.
But once we got to his room, he was fine. They both had a great time!
Yesterday was the other first - the first day of preschool!
They were both excited - I think.
Twin A talked big about how excited he was, but the moment we got out of the van and his big kid buddy came to get him he decided he didn't want to go to preschool. So I followed them in the building (and was able to leave quickly without any dramatics once their teachers distracted them -
yay!) .
Twin B, on the other hand, started to get negative again, BUT once we got out of the van seemed to have no problems and was ready to go.
Both boys had a great time and are looking forward to next week.
Do you know what the best part about preschool was? I am giddy as I write this.
I had an hour and a half with ONE small child. We were in and out of stores like you wouldn't believe. I was crossing things off of my list like a crazy woman. It was a grand moment. I don't think the boys will be the only ones looking forward to preschool next week.I can't wait!