As I started shopping I realized that an actual Bible seemed a little advanced for her (maybe a year from now we will make that purchase), and none of the bible story books I was looking at seemed any different from what we already had. I was beginning to give up on my “idea” when I discovered Sheila Walsh’s God’s Little Princess Devotional Bible.
As I started reading through this Devotional Bible I got excited. It was perfect. Each devotional starts out with a page of actual scripture followed by an age-appropriate devotional. So many of the topics hit on lessons and character traits I want my daughter to pick up like serving others, compassion, true beauty and forgiveness.
I read through this book before I gave it to my daughter. As I was finishing up she came in and wanted me to read part of it to her. Every day since she has asked to read from the “princess” book. I think that means it’s a hit!
I would highly recommend God’s Little Princess Devotional Bible. I am looking forward to reading it with my daughter as well as watching her discover the Bible’s truths as she reads it on her own.