Hearts at Home was this past weekend. I left the conference refreshed, encouraged, and wanting to be a better mom!
This year I got to attend
Susie Larson's workshop,"Living the Promised Life" with my mom! Susie's words blessed and challenged me. "God is good. His promises are true and He will make a way for me."
One thought from the workshop especially challenged me. "The only thing comparison does is produce pride because we have more or discontentment and jealousy because we have less." There are so many times when I compare myself to others or make decisions based on what others may be thinking of me. I was reminded that I was created by God to be me. He loves me just the way I am. He has a plan for my life. He will make a way for me.
When I compare myself to others, when I wish I was more like someone else, I cheapen the work my Father did when he created me. When thoughts of comparison start to creep in, I am trying to cast them out with the thought, "I was created to be me. My Father does not make mistakes."
This line of thinking can be a little dangerous if I start to think too highly of myself. One of the songs Cheri Keaggy sang this weekend contained the line, "We love because He first loved us." Any good in me comes from Him and His work in my life. All glory goes to Him.
How about you? What do you do to combat the comparison trap? And, if you were at Hearts at Home what was your take away? How were you encouraged as a wife, mom and child of God?
I want to close this post with Zephaniah 3:17. (This verse was shared in two of my workshops!) I hope it blesses you and reminds you how loved you are by our Father.
"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing."