Thursday, May 05, 2011

What to Read on Vacation

Last week Hubs and I escaped to Florida.

The kids stayed home (with grandparents), and we had the luxury of doing whatever we felt like doing. Bliss!

We walked the beach, rode bikes, slept in, went out to eat, read by the pool...

It was a much need break from the busyness of life; and more importantly an investment in our relationship. And while this isn't really the point of this post, if it has been over a year, or 2 or 3 since you've had time away with your hubby, alone. Stop reading and plan a trip TODAY!!!

Back to the reading by the pool...

Vacation reading is a treat. I only read certain kinds of books on vacation. I stay away from deep, life-changing stuff. Non-fiction is off limits. No literary prose or Pulitzer prize winners allowed. Instead I focus my attention on...

any guesses???

Drum roll please...


John Grisham provides a huge selection along the legal lines. But I've dabbled in T Davis Bunn and Ted Dekker as well.

No real meat. Pure entertainment. Fast-paced reads that allow me to barrel through at least two per vacation.

Periodically, I will make an exception to my vacation reading fare. But the exceptions don't read as well, because let's face it... there is nothing like getting lost in a good thriller, hiding from the Florida sun under an umbrella poolside.

How about you... What are your favorite vacation reads?


Emily said...

yippee!!!!!!!! so glad it was just the two of you!!!!!!!!!!! i think jim and i need a sunyy trip for our 10th:0 we're doing 2 weekends this summer- but i need pool (with no worry of drowning kids) beach (no worry of sunburned, drowning kids) and yes... lots of books (with no worry of interuption)

Ashley Baner said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE John Grisham. Quite arguably my favorite author. I also have read many of Ted Dekker but not all of them. I am the same way...must be a no brainer for vaca. I also love Karen Kingsbury and Tracie Peterson. Very predictable and of course there is always love! I love a good Christian romance story! Books are so fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Have fun on your trip! I love Maeve Binchey . . . she's British I think and has marvelous talent for story telling!

Holly said...

If it's a thriller you're looking for, try Joel Rosenberg -- but be prepared to give up sleeping! ;)