Friday, March 26, 2010

Moving Along!

The adoption paperwork process presents an interesting dichotomy between waiting and action.

You start with a flurry of action, as you prepare your dossier. Time is of the essence. You dot your i's and cross your t's. Everything must be perfect. Once it is, you mail that baby off, immersed in relief, happy to be one step closer to your child.

Then comes the waiting. Months of it in most cases, sometimes years, with nothing productive to do but pray (which in reality is probably the most productive thing you can do at any stage of the process).

A referral finds its way to you. You know who your child is. She becomes more than a theory and an idea. She is real and suddenly the wait becomes ten times harder, along with more things to do!

Another flurry of activity, followed by... more waiting.

All this to say, we've made it through another period of waiting. We received our Letter of Acceptance from China this week!

It has once more moved us from waiting to action. This time I believe the waiting periods will become much shorter. Our end is in sight. Lord willing, we will be traveling to China in June, hopefully early June.

We have entered an exciting stage as we apply for visas and get ready to TRAVEL! It feels overwhelming as I look over all the things we need to do in two short months. Stress comes when I forget to trust, wondering if our paperwork was completed correctly. Will it cause delays or hurry us to Suhn?

I can hardly believe we are at this stage in the process. I've got China on the brain and butterflies have taken up permanent residence in my stomach. If I don't seem completely "there" when we talk, this is why: I've got a little girl in China and we are going to get her soon!



Mindy said...

YEAH!!!! Congratulations! What a great feeling so know you can be with her soon! So happy for you guys and praying Suhn home!

smw said...

it feels so surreal!

Amber said...

YEAHHH!!! Praying for a fast and smooth couple of months. : )

Genny said...

Wow. This gave me a big ol' lump in my throat. Soooo happy for you.

What a lucky little girl to soon have you for a mommy. :)

Praying for your journey!

Heidi Klopfenstein said...

Congratulations!! So exciting! more paperwork--ugh. :)

megs @ whadusay said...

Thanks for your comments and prayers everyone!

I agree Shar, so very surreal!!

Taylor said...

So excited for you Megan!!

christine said...

so many mixed emotions -- praying that a peaceful heart will come out victorious over the times of fear/anxiety.