Monday, November 05, 2007

Captivated by Love

I commented in my previous post that I am learning to be intentional in the small things. Today, I read Proverbs 5. In verses 18 and 19 it advises men to "rejoice in the wife of your youth" and to "be captivated by her love."

I have been married 8 1/2 years and am learning that if I want my husband to rejoice in me and be captivated by my love I need to work at it. I need to be speaking love to him in a language he understands. I need to let him know (and not just assume he knows) how much I love him, need him and respect him. With the busyness of life and kids this takes some intentionality.

What are some ways you intentionally show love to your husband? Here are a few things I came up with that I want to consistently put into practice.

1. Send him to work in the morning with a real kiss (not just the typical quick peck)and stop what I am doing when he gets home and welcome him back the same way!

2. Make a better effort to have the house somewhat picked up when he gets home.

3. E-mail or call him during the day to let him know I am thinking of him.

4. Be available when he is home and not so distracted by my to-do list.

5. Buy his favorite foods at the grocery store (i.e. sauerkraut, guacamole and olives!)

I want to encourage you to be intentional in showing love to your husband this week (and feel free to share some of the ways you do that!). May he always be captivated by your love!


Jami said...

More good thoughts! Something Clint appreciates is when I turn off the radio when is he walking in the door. And I try to have the kitchen picked up and at least the hallway from the door to the kitchen so the dear man can walk to us! :)

I also need to make sure I am greeting him when he comes in and not just letting the kids give the big welcome! :)

Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

Megan, your last two posts are a real encouragement to me. I can so easily get bogged down with the busyness oflife. I love your suggestions, particularly turning off the computer to play with the kids, really listening to them, welcoming your hubby with GOOD kisses and sending notes/e-mails of encouragement. I do not have anything to add, just alot to work on :)

Love ya,

Mom said...

Thanks Megan -

Even after 32 years of marriage - these are great reminders for me.

I appreciate the wife you are to my son!

Love you lots - Mom K

Kasey said...

I love your thoughts. I appreciate them even more now that I'm all the way across the ocean. What a selection of favorite foods! I'm sure most people are saying "gross!" He's a strange breed, that Kory.

Katie said...

What great reminders!!!