Hi! I'm Megan. Although I go by Megs in blog-land and sometimes in real-life too. Welcome to my little piece of the world wide web. I'm honored you are here!
I started blogging in the Fall of 2006 as a way to "practice" writing. I never imagined the amazing community I would find as a result. I have learned so much from the experience of others and been extremely blessed by the comments left here.
If you are curious, here is a little more about me...
I am mom to six special kiddos (who provide most of my writing material). They bring joy, frustration, laughter and tears and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I love being a mom.
Most importantly I am a daughter of the High King and a follower of His son Jesus. This is what gives my life meaning.
I have a passion for the orphan. Through our partnership with Lifesong for Orphans, our eyes have been opened to the needs of the fatherless and our hearts have been broken. In the summer of 2010 we embarked on a great adventure, when we adopted our daughter Suhn and brought her home from China. We found ourselves in China once again in the spring of 2013 to bring home our son, an "unplanned" adoption that God used to bring an amazing little boy into our family.
I am a life-long book worm. I love how books can widen our perspectives and change our thinking. There is power in story and I relish discovering the good ones.
I write about life, motherhood, faith, and adoption. I don't have any of it figured out, not by a long shot, but I'm thankful for a place to share what I'm learning. A place to share the whispers I hear in the everyday moments of life.
Thanks for reading along and sharing it with me.