Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Daisha Update

Hello Friends - Below is the most recent update from Kirk and Keri. Please keep praying!

Thank you so much for praying. Daisha is still struggling. She was moved
to the public hospital late last night for closer monitoring. At about the
same time, we thought we had lined up air transport to Miami. This morning,
that fell through. It seems that the doors for the air transport keep
closing and we don't know why. Ultimately, we know that her situation is
still about prayer. The difficult part of the public hospital is that we
cannot be with her all the time. Today, we were back and forth between home
and the hospital. The infection she is fighting is pneumonia. Please
continue to pray for her strength and ease of breath. She remains on oxygen
and antibiotics. We know that her situation is in His hands. Thanks for
all the emails of love and support. The situation often feels like a blur
and we just cant understand where it is going. Please pray with us!

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